Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Latest Venues for ticket Sales!!



Each of you can make a difference in the lives of these children!!


Anonymous said...

help me to give Lo Ryder email please. Out of contact with him since i lost his number.

Anonymous said...

Well done for organising the Charity Evening for SMARTER . Not many people understand Autism it is a great challegne .
Congratulation once again

Anonymous said...

Salam & Hello IM Students of UBD .
Our deepest gratitude for the great effort in organising the Charity Evening for SMARTER . For the benefits of our autistic childrens .
May you all be sucessful in your pursuit of studies and the chalegne ahead in the field of Medicines .
From the bottom of our heart , thank you very much .
May Allah bless you all

Anonymous said...

"Taare Zameen Par" in Hindi means Every Child is Special. Indeed every kid is unique in his or her own way. Normal or not, they should be given the chance to savour life as it is, unleashing their potentiality to bring the best in them. Catch a glimpse into these beautiful minds by showing that you really care. To all fellow IM students of UBD, thank you for your support and understanding!

Anonymous said...

Love all the Autistic Individuals , understand them , support them , join the IM charity evening to show the support .........
You all are marvelous group IM

Anonymous said...

1st of all, thank u IMians and UBDians as a whole for organising this charity event. Hope more people will come forward to help less fortunate and give them opportunity in this living world.
Just a suggestion, why not announce this event in the radio cause I havent heard about this. Maybe you can send email or text them about this.
All the best to you and may you all be success in your field of study.

Anonymous said...

Hi all...thanks for all the encouraging comments for all the IM members-these motivate us. We all hope the event will be a success in raising awareness about autism and also raise funds for these children.

To charitysupporter, we're doing a lot of publicity on this event to try to reach out to as many people as possible. We've had 2 press releases in the past 2 weeks. We'll be aired on most of the radio channels soon. We were on Pilihan with Frankie last night =) We'll also be appearing on RTB and Rampai Pagi. Hope these will make more people aware of our event.

Spread the words, and support SMARTER =)

Anonymous said...

yes i heard it on Radio , my family will and a friends will be there .... more will come as always last minute .... Thanks Jonathan and teams

Anonymous said...

Support my Autistic brother
Support Charity

Come and be there at JP

Thank you SMARTER
Thank you people
Thank You IM of UBD

I appreciate every one of you for caring ......

Anonymous said...

Yes well done ppl ...
Will always support charity all the way...

Anonymous said...

Amazing you all are great doing for charity , keep it up and dont stop supporting them ...hope the rest will follow it .

Anonymous said...

gud luck guys! I know u all can do it! I juz support u all from behind..


I'm planning to organise a charity futsal for SMARTERS as well but I still need help and guidance in this mattter...I hope someone out day will help to relish my intention for this good what u all are doing now..


Anonymous said...

Dragstsr i support you idea and good intention just update us more , AUTISM needs our continous support all the way .

Anonymous said...

Dragstar yes will support you idea
it will be interesting and another way to promote Autism awareness ...

Jonathan i need the T shirt red colour and black , will see you at d mall .

Anonymous said...

It really touch my heart watching the Charity evening , being there means so much the Emcee clearly send the message through out the night ....